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Your advantages as a company: Simply offer your services

Great opportunities for small businesses to offer services. Generating leads has never been easier! The Bosch LegendsLab processes focus on structure and transparency. This gives your company one less thing to worry about - and probably one more significant customer soon. Our tendering platform also enables easy collaboration with micro companies.

Bosch LegendsLab Poster

Your advantages as


Talentpool image

Exciting projects by big names

Motivating jobs for a strong portfolio are just one of many benefits.

Fair pay, no hidden costs

We value your work, which is why there will be no additional costs.

Generate leads efficiently

Our structured and transparent application and selection process ensures that everything runs smoothly.

Direct contact via the platform

A direct exchange with both customers and LegendsLab contacts is possible via the platform.

Minimal legal risks

Through your LegendsLab contacts, you can avoid problems with hidden temporary employment, etc.


project flow


  • Our team sends you relevant project proposals

  • Of course you can also look around yourself

  • You can always keep an eye on everything on your dashboard


  • Choose a project and send your application to the project manager

  • With us there is always an acceptance or rejection, ghosting is prohibited here.


  • Onboarding support by our team

  • Direct exchange with your customer on the platform

  • Ongoing feedback

  • Processing and payment

  • Possible change and follow-up requests

Our users about

Bosch LegendsLab

testimonial bottom image

"From the very first contact, I was impressed by how uncomplicated communication with the Bosch LegendsLab team was. Always at eye level and with appreciation for the service provider. I was warmly welcomed right from the start and immediately felt part of the team. The expertise of the employees enables professional collaboration on the joint project." The contact with the Bosch LegendsLab team was pleasant, on the same level and questions were answered immediately. Onboarding in the project also went very well. All in all, cooperative and competent support."


Fuxware vGmbH

Current Bosch LegendsLab projects – apply now!

Sign up now to discover all projects.

Animation Design

Stuttgart, Germany
100 % Remote
50 - 100 % workload
3 months
Adobe Creative Suites
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe illustrator

SPS Nexeed Development

Stuttgart, Germany
20 % Remote
at least 12 months
opcon control pls

AWS Cloud Architektur Architecture

Stuttgart, Germany
100 % Remote
80 - 100 % workload
9 months
Access Management
faq image

Questions? The Frequently Asked Questions section contains all the responses.

We made a list of FAQ to help answer any questions you may have. This information contains project bids, selection and payment processes for projects, contracts, and other details.

Want big names for your portfolio? Sign up now!

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